1. Select the day, location and level in which you are signing up.
2. Captain enters team name and their info online. 
3. All SPSC participants must be 21 to play.
4. Include online payment information, which includes the entire team fee. No team is confirmed without being fully paid. We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover.
5. Each league has both a registration fee and a late registration fee listed. Those rosters (with full payment) received online before their particular league late date will not be charged the late fee.
6. When the league is sold out, a DIGITAL WAIVER will be emailed to the captains for them to forward to their teammates. All teammates must complete to compete.
7. SPSC will contact you with your game time within a week of your first game. Full schedules will be posted online after week 1. www.SPSCdetroit.com/sands/ 

If you have questions regarding team registration please Contact Us.


1. Complete the registration form online; fill in all of the fields listed for yourself and your friends, if a small group.
2. All SPSC participants must be 21 to play.
3. You will receive an email to confirm your online submission was received within 24 business hours. If you do not receive an email, please contact us regarding the receipt of your email.  
4. Please note that you will not be charged until you are placed on a team.
5. Only completed forms will be considered on a first come first placed basis. While payment information is requested to reserve your place, credit card processing for free agents and small groups will be completed after enough players are available to place on a team for the requested league. We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX and Discover. If you prefer, Venmo is an option for an additional $3.
6. No refunds will be given once a free agent is placed on a team.

Please note: Free Agent and Small Groups will be considered after online information is completed and payment form is sent to the office. Spots are first come first serve, as space is limited.

If you have any questions regarding small group or free agent registration, please contact us.

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